Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How to extend an asset's store view in WSO2 GREG 5.3.0

This blog post is an amendment to Niranjan's blog post [1] on the same topic. The blog post while correct needs to be updated for G-REG 5.3.0 as there have been several minor changes to the templates. A set of ready to use templates with updated changes can be found here [2]

I will first summarize the steps performed by Niranjan:

  1. The default implementation of the details page in the Store application does not display all of the attributes visible in the Publisher. One important factor behind the decision to reduced information is that some of the data such as endpoints are not in a format which is easily digestible by templates
  2. In order to rectify this Niranjan has introduced the jsonFormatter method which converts these hard to digest attributes into a format easily consumed by templates.
  3. To display the information he has introduced several new templates which mirror the information in the Publisher [3]
The release of G-REG 5.3.0 has necessitated several changes to the above steps:
  1. Alterations to the overview.hbs (Notice that . has been replaced with assets)
  2. Omitting the  asset-attributes.hbs
  3. Adding rows to the doclinks template
EDIT: A colleague (Chandana Napagoda) has pointed out an issue in the doclinks template.This has now been corrected in the git repo.


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